Organic Fertilizer
For a variety of good reasons, many golf course superintendents, landscapers and sports turf managers have made the decision to use only organic plant nutrient inputs.
Protene® Organic Fertilizers set the standard for reliable and steady release of all nutrients, similar to our Protene®Sustained Release products. The key difference in producing our Organic line is that the binder we use to control release is a composed of L-Amino Acid based microbial protein and a combination of short and long chain saccarhides acting as the bonding and release agent. The granule can be broken down to provide to provide Sustained Release nutrients and in turn solubilize all the nutrients, is by soil microbial activity.
One of the real advantages of our all natural organic fertilizers is the solubility of the amino acids. Many companies selling organic fertilizers will show you an amino acid profile, but what they won’t show you is a release curve, because they know that most organic fractions are VERY slow to release (feather meal, bone meal and particularly dehydrated manure or sewerage bio-solids). The Protene® amino acid profile we use is very soluble so with our organic fertilizers we use a combination of fast, medium and slow release components so that you the operator or turf professional will see a quicker yet sustained response.
In cooler climates, organic fertilizers can take an extremely long time to release nutrients. In fact according to the chief researcher at Protene®, “some components of the organic fertilizers sold in this country will not release during the whole course of a season.” In the case of the cheaper dehydrated manures (if they stink they’re cured not composted), you may start to see ‘black layer,’ particularly in fine turf and golf greens, as a result of the manure being carbonized during drying at extreme temperatures the nutrients tend to become bound up, and unavailable for the microbes to metabolize and provide nutrients to the turf. What you see over a period of time is a build-up of anaerobic organic matter that can be very difficult to eliminate and is very damaging to the quality of the turf.
Unlike our competitors, our Protene® product line does not use any manure or sewerage sludge. Protene® uses only premium meals and L-Amino Acid based microbial protein.
Protene® uses L-Amino Acid based microbial protein as a nitrogen component and chelation aid, allowing our Protene® organic fertilizers to control the release of all nutrients starting at application and continuing up to 90 days.
All the components of the Protene® organic line are made from premium grade ingredients.
If you want the best performance out of your organic program, the Organic Protene® line of fertilizers provides the best value for your investment.
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We Provide Performance Fertilizer
See how easy and cost-effective your turfgrass nutrition plan should be.

United Fertilizer Technologies, LLC
23011 Airpark Drive
Petersburg, VA 23803